Here at United wags, We work with some of the largest pet suppliers, retailers, and manufacturers to get food, medicine, and supplies to the animal in need. Without the help and supplies from organizations like Ours, many shelters could not afford to stay open or in operation. Please give the gift of life today. Or become one of Our Wagging warriors and show Your support with a monthly gift.
With your help Today, We can save lives Tomorrow.
More ways you can help.
None of this could be possible without support from people like you.
Help Us By Spreading The Word To Anyone And Everyone
In this day and age, the internet is more important than ever before. Please take a minute to share this website and our mission with your friends and family.
Buy Some Snacks
Yep, you read that right! One of our favorite ways to raise money is by selling snacks. It is a win-win. Help save some animals, then just sit back and enjoy .
Pick Up Some Wags Wear And Dress In Style
Check out our custom line of Wags Wear. We have plenty of custom items to choose from, and as always, 100% of the profit goes to help animals in need.